I have witnessed a number of interesting things during my tenure at Chick-fil-A. There have been a number of interesting guest interactions, employee misfires, and crazy events. But this past week, something happened that might top them all.
Here is what happened: There was an armed bank robbery about a mile from our restaurant. This robbery was followed by a high speed car chase with the police. The police chase ended up taking a detour through our Chick-fil-A parking lot!
After exiting our lot, the assailants discovered they were surrounded by police so they made a U-turn and proceeded to drive past our store again. As they were passing our restaurant (literally 10 feet from our windows), they decided to open fire, which was then reciprocated by the police!! It is not everyday that you hear gunshots fired over your drive thru speaker system! (By the way, I am not lying or exaggerating…there was a gun fight between bank robbers and the police RIGHT outside of my restaurant!)
Somehow, they got away (temporarily) until they ran into a police car barricade a few minutes later. The armed robbers were both killed by gunshot wounds (2 policeman were shot, but neither was fatal).
For the remainder of the week detectives were in and out of our restaurant, police were surveying the land for evidence, and our surveillance cameras were constantly being rewound and observed. This was a fascinating (and memorable) experience and an eye-opening example of the importance of unit safety and security.